Helen Kelley Patchworks

Quiltmaker, Teacher, Lecturer, Designer, Author, Judge

My Lectures

Quilting has made my life an adventure. Each of these lectures traces a side trip of discovery in my journey.

These lectures are currently available. I will be glad to tailor to your individual needs: 

LIVING ON EASY STREET: Helen invites you into her home for a personal glimpse of her creative life, inspirations and techniques. People frequently comment on how easily she makes quilts. Maybe, some times! She will take you through the adventures, the perils and the joys of making creative quilts.  Enhanced with slides.

FIRE, ICE, AND THE EVENING STAR: For groups that would like a quick taste of the use of color, this lecture presents some of the highlights of the Fire and Ice Workshop in a brief, easy form. This presentation helps you to see the unexpected colors of things in the every day world and it will give you techniques to create mood in your quilts.  Enhanced with slides.

DID THE CHRIST CHILD HAVE A QUILT? Travel by camel along the ancient Silk Road from China to the Middle East. Trace the origins of quilts from their early roots through to first century Asia Minor, and across the world to the present. This lecture presents contemporary liturgical vestments and celebratory quilted banners.  Enhanced with slides.

HELEN KELLEY’S JOY OF QUILTING: My quilts all start from a traditional seed and bloom with my own creative ideas.  Here I will show you the thread between tradition and my own pieces.  And just for fun I will read selections from my latest book.  Come touch my quilts.

 Fees upon request.